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Winston’s Joint System™ is a combination of three, totally-natural whole food supplements developed by a Naturopathic Doctor for his own dog. No drugs. No side-effects because it’s all just good whole food. No dosage problems because the body uses only what it needs. And now, with the latest product release, the System is showing results that are even more remarkable.

Winston’s provides many of the raw materials essential for the synthesis of the joint-lubricating synovial fluid as well as the repair of articular cartilage and connective tissue. We also include a natural anti-inflammatory compound, long used to relieve the pain of arthritis.

Within the first 30 days of treatment, dogs on Winston’s Joint System™ show noticeable and often remarkable improvement. And, unlike the drugs used to give temporary relief, IT CAN’T HURT.

Winston’s is a 3 part System. Each part is shipped in a separate bottle for freshness, and all 3 bottles are enclosed in our box.

The three parts essentially do the following:

Part 1 - Boost the Joint Lubrication & Strengthen the Ligaments
Part 2 - Cartilage and Bone Rebuilder
Part 3 - Reduce Pain, Inflammation and Swelling


  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Osteochondrosis (OCD)
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Other degenerative problems with the shoulders, knees, elbows and hocks 
  • Long-term relief without drugs.

Winston Formula FAQ’s

Q. How long has Winston’s Joint System been available?
A. Winston’s Joint System was developed in 1992 by a naturopathic doctor for his own dog. Since that time, it has healed or helped thousands of dogs from all over the world.

Q. Will it work on humans too?
A. Yes it will. All of the ingredients are of human grade quality.

Q. Will it conflict with any other drug or supplement I’m now giving my dog?
A. No. There is nothing in the formula that will conflict with anything else in any way.

Q. How long until I see improvement?
A. It varies. Many dogs feel better almost immediately. Usually some strong signs of improvement will be seen within 2 to 3 weeks.

Q. What form is it in?
A. The formula is in capsule and tablet form. There are 3 capsules and 1 tablet, taken either once or twice a day, depending on the weight of the dog.

Q. Will it work for cats too?
A. Yes it will.

Q. Are there any side effects?
A. Yes, but they are only good ones. Your dog’s coat will improve in texture and shine, energy may greatly improve, and digestion of food should be enhanced.

Our dog was diagnosed with dysplastic hips last year.  She was in pain, lethargic, and constantly held
her right leg in the air.  We wanted an alternative to surgery and anaesthesia; we also wanted
something natural, and not animal tested. We decided your product was worth a try, and within three
weeks, she was walking normally again. She's happy and she can run and play again.  Thanks ever so

P.S.  We originally were going to try "cosequin" at our vets recommendation, after reading their pamplet,
I  threw the bottle away.

D. & K. Franke
Petpourri Ltd.

We just wanted to let you know how fantastic Winston’s Joint Formula worked for our little dog. At six
months old, we were told by our vet that Blanche would never live a normal life because of severe hip
dysplasia which was advanced beyond her young age. We were absolutely devastated because she
could barely walk and could not walk up the stairs. With this bad news from the vet, we had no idea
what to do.

A good friend told us about your product and we immediately gave it a try. Following your directions for
dosage, we put Blanche on the formula. The results were amazing. Within three days she showed
signs of improvement such as reduced pain and some greater flexibility. By the one week point, our
little dog was running, jumping and literally flying off the sofa. She was in essence, fully back to normal
and has remained as such.

What more can I say? Your product really works!! Please feel free to offer my words of support to
anyone who is considering using your formula for their dog.

J. R. Miles
Venice, California

Our dog Zanes’ hocks are very bad which I first noticed when he turned six months of age. His rear
legs were so close together that he looked as if he had only one rear leg.

I started using Winston’s Formula when he turned 7 months old and after only 5 days, he began
walking more normally, and after 2 months he was a completely new dog.  I now give him the formula
twice a day which he will stay on for the rest of his life.

E. Sobolewski,
Etowah, NC

Our lab “Ollie” was diagnosed with OCD at two years of age and had both hocks operated on.  After we
started using Winstons Joint Formula, his stiffness diminished significantly and he now plays and runs
with our other dogs with much greater ease. His skin and coat have also greatly improved! I will
continue to use your product. Thanks so much.

D. Koser-Smith
Oregon City, OR

Our dog, Sampson, a 2 year old Great Dane, tested Winston's Joint Formula this past two months with
very positive results. He came to us from an animal shelter with a grotesque hip deformity, which we
were never able to determine as congenital or the result of an injury. He was experiencing great pain
and difficulty getting up and running. We noticed greater mobility within 3 weeks, his vet noticed a big
improvement within a month, and his chiropractor confirmed major improvement after 2 months.  
Thank you so much

S. Brier, Woodland Hills, CA

A few years ago (3, I think), I noticed that Caiman had been slowing down considerably. He would drag
behind us when he and our other canine companion, Betsey, and I would go outside. I asked our
doctor if she could tell me why. She told me that Caiman has a medially luxating patella in his left hind
leg. He could have orthopedic surgery for it, but it might not work because it is being complicated by
arthritis. Oh boy. What could I do for Caiman? He was having trouble jumping up on the bed and going
up and down the stairs. He would snap at me when I would brush him near the leg.

I gave him yucca, because I read that that can help with arthritis, but that didn’t help much. I looked up
on the web and found a link to Winston's Formula. Bingo! I sent away for it immediately.

In two weeks, Caiman started wrestling with Betsey again and playing with his favorite toys, fetching
with newfound vigor and agility! He was showing of his rekindled ability to jump up and snuggle with
me on the couch or bed. Up and down, up and down...with a big smile. The hair on his tail is all bushy
again and his eyes have lost that filminess they were beginning to develop. Now he is into his second

Best Joint Care for Dogs | Winston Formula

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