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Who Will Benefit from a Wellness/Healing Consultation?


  • A Pet Guardian who is looking for Natural methods to keep your pet companion in the healthiest condition possible
  • A Pet Guardian who has a pet companion that is displaying some physical or emotional concerns and needs some extra assistance to find the reason and/or to obtain some natural solutions
  • A Pet Guardian whose pet companion has been diagnosed with a condition and would like to find alternative approaches to healing and supporting the body while it finds a way to restore its balance


What Will You Receive?:

A body, mind, spirit approach to health and healing for dogs and cats

  • A thorough, interactive conversation to help uncover the root cause of any issues
  • A 60 minute telephone call with Dr. Carol
  • Action plan to follow after our call



What you may discover during a Wellness/Healing Consultation:


  • Best approaches for superior nutrition for your Pet Companion
  • Alternative products for assisting with a condition or healing a condition
  • Alternative approaches for flea, tick, worm, heartworm, and other parasite control
  • Supportive nutritional supplements to assist your Companion and enhance their well-being
  • A possible cause for a condition that may have not been noticed in a routine check up
  • Causes/solutions for a behavioral concern


.....and these are just a few discoveries that can be uncovered during our time together. Each Pet Companion is unique and information uncovered will vary and depend on the willingness of the Pet Companion and Pet Guardian to want to have the answers revealed.


Wellness/Healing Consultations are not designed to take the place of a regular Veterinary Checkup. The information discovered during a consultation is designed to work well with programs/medications your Veterinarian has prescribed. The intention for these Wellness packages is to find complementary ways to support the body of your pet companion to either maintain health, or nurture the body as it moves through a challenging physical condition.


Please contact us at 800-926-7344 or Carol@CarolsPetCafe.com for more details.


A Full Veterinary Check up is recommended but not necessary prior to our meeting. The methods suggested are not to supersede any recommendations from a Veterinarian, however, most of the time products or recommendations can be used in conjunction with methods prescribed by a Veterinarian. Our goal is to work closely with the Pet Guardian and the Veterinarian to ensure the best care is being given to your Pet Companion.

Holistic Pet Health Specialist

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